Maybe there are some dogs that don’t need to be trained

Brewster was a mixed-breed terrier that my late husband and I got from some friends who had to change their living situation. They couldn’t take Brewster and another little chihuahua Twinkie with them to their new location; so they asked us if we would take the dogs. We said we would. Twinkie and Brewster lived with us for a number of years and as of this date have both since passed away.

I focus on Brewster here because he was totally blind. In spite of this or maybe because of it, he was a self-taught little dog who by his courage and abilities adapted to his new home with precious little instruction from me.

Each morning after I worked my horses, I let Brewster out to roam the larger yard on my property. He learned to negotiate the entire yard perimeter on his morning walk only to find his way back to me where I would take a break from chores near one of the barns close to my house. It’s protected here, and Brewster knew it. He figured it all out on his own. He came when he was called and found his way back into the house where he stayed at night by feel and by hearing. He would occasionally bump into things but undaunted kept right on going. He was also known to catch rodents as big as he was.  How he did this I do not know, but he did.

Brewster was an inspiration and still is . He was a patient, accepting little dog who didn’t complain but was grateful for his walks, his yard, his food and his bed. I take courage from his memory whenever I feel down.